December Training

Wow!!! We are 9 weeks out from the beginning of the ride! December's training ended with 679 miles (621 indoor and 58 outside). I also had 9 days of cross training.  I increased my ride mileage to 30-50 miles per ride. I also rode 50+ miles on 3 consecutive days. My legs are feeling pretty good right now for the most part. Some days they feel weak to start but get stronger as the training ride continues. I am hoping to increase my training to 200 miles a week by the end of January.

I am riding indoor on an Elite Qubo B+ smart trainer.  The app I use is Zwift. It is pretty neat and keeps you from getting bored on the trainer. The Qubo communicates with the app through bluetooth and allows for resistance as if you are climbing.  I use the app on my Iphone and then save it to Strava.  Zwift has been a lifesaver! It has enhanced my training.  I cannot imagine riding that much just watching TV. 

I am so glad that I kept my first road bike Leonardo.  This way it is always on the trainer and my newer bike, Rudy, is ready to ride outside whenever the weather permits.  
