
Showing posts from November, 2017


In preparation for my bike journey I tried to keep a base of riding since RAGBRAI. Luckily, my friend Jerri has been kind enough to ride with me.  I rode 150 miles in September. Almost all the miles were outside miles. In October I rode 335 miles, 2/3's of which were indoor trainer miles. Here I am almost halfway through November and I have 263 miles in. Most are on Zwift and 53 outside miles. I am trying to ride 100 miles a week and building to 200 a week by the end of January. I also am trying to cross train 4 days a week. 

What An Adventure!

On March 8, 2018 I will be starting an unforgettable cross-country bike journey.  I will be riding from San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL. It will take 56 days, cover 8 states and about 3100 miles.  I am EXCITED......... and a little scared!